Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Did It!!!

I sent my application in the mail today for my first real in-the-flesh craft fair! I am sooo nervous! If I'm approved Yarncoture will be exhibiting its wares in the Dallas area on May 2! I have to tell you that I am very nervous because it's one thing to be selling things on don't get to see people's reactions to your products unless they email you and tell you that they like them. It's another thing when you see people's reactions first hand....the frowns...the smiles... it can be nerve-wrecking and I think that will be a big challenge for me to sit there and not be sad if someone disapproves of my work (I'm very sensitive). I am totally flattered that I was even invited to attend which leads me to think that there may be some people who actually will dig my designs! I'll keep you posted on the craft fair...the time, location, this point I am just thrilled!


Kara Lennox said...

Yarn, which craft fair are you attending? I short-sightedly put all my craft show paraphernalia in storage or I would be signing up to do some shows.

Unknown said...

I have been thinking of doing the same at a local craft fair. I am just nervous about doing it.

Bianca said...

That's so exciting! Congratulations and good luck!!!

YarnCoture said...

Thanks everyone! Kara, it is at the Northhaven garden center in Dallas. As soon as I hear from them, I'll post all the details!


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